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Link-Building Tactics: Underrated Techniques That Work

Link-Building Tactics: Underrated Techniques That Work

If you’re looking to build links, Google is your friend. It’s important to note that link building tactics are constantly changing and evolving, but there are some tried-and-true techniques that have stood the test of time. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most underrated tactics (in our opinion) for building quality backlinks.

Optimize your images.

Optimize your images.

You can improve your SEO by optimizing the alt text and captions on each of your images, as well as the file formats and dimensions of those images. Here’s how:

  • Use alt text to describe what the image is about in words. This helps Google understand what content is being presented in an image (rather than just seeing it as a graphic), which can help with rankings.
  • Include captions below or next to each image if possible; these will also appear when someone hovers over an image without clicking on it, giving you more opportunities to get clicks from search results pages (SERPs).

Add a noindex tag to your sitemap.

If you want to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages, you can use a noindex tag. This is especially useful if you have an old or outdated page that’s still getting traffic, but should be removed from the site.

To add noindex tags:

  • Add a new line in your XML sitemap file with all of the URLs you want to exclude (for example: http://www.*yoursite*.com/aa/bb/cc/)
  • Use this format: “robots=”noindex””

Add a rel=”nofollow” to links that aren’t useful for SEO.

Rel=”nofollow” is a tag that tells search engines not to follow the link. It’s used for links that are not useful for SEO, such as ads and affiliate links.

If you are going to use rel=”nofollow” on your site, make sure that it’s only applied to links that don’t provide value (such as ads).

Use social media for link-building purposes.

Social media is one of the best ways to get your content in front of people. It’s also a great way to build links and drive traffic to your website.

Here are some tips:

  • Share your content on social media channels that are relevant for your audience. For example, if you write about SEO, share it on LinkedIn groups or Facebook pages related to SEO industry news or events (but don’t spam!).
  • Use hashtags when sharing your content on Twitter so that people can easily find it by searching those keywords in their feed, like “#marketing” or “

Provide useful content in exchange for links.

This is a strategy that requires you to provide valuable content in exchange for links. Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure it’s not already available elsewhere. If the information you’re sharing is readily available on the internet, it won’t be as effective as if you were the only person providing it.
  • Be careful not to overdo it. If someone sees one too many emails from you in their inboxes, they might get annoyed and stop reading them altogether–which defeats your purpose!
  • Make sure your content is relevant and useful; otherwise people will delete it without even reading it (or worse: mark it as spam). You want people who receive this kind of email from you thinking “Wow! This person knows what he/she is talking about!” rather than “Why did I get this?”

Use guest blogging as a link-building strategy.

Guest blogging is a great way to get your content in front of new audiences and build relationships with influencers. It’s also an effective way to boost your search engine rankings, and it can be a great way to build your personal brand.

For example, let’s say that you work at an ecommerce company that sells shoes online. You want to create more awareness about your product line among runners who are interested in buying new running shoes (and maybe even some casual wearers). You could write an article about how running helps people stay fit and healthy, then guest post it on the popular blog RunnersWorld.com or another site with an audience focused on runners who love reading about their hobby online!

Repurpose your content.

Repurpose your content. If you have a blog post that’s doing well, repurpose it into an infographic, video or podcast episode–and then share the new version on social media.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already published something; with this technique, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience than before by making the same piece of content available in multiple formats.

All these techniques can help you build quality backlinks and improve the visibility of your content.

Link building tactics is an important part of SEO. It can help you get more traffic, improve your rankings and build a brand.

Link building also helps in building trust with other sites that link back to yours. The more links you have pointing to your site, the higher its authority becomes and therefore it will rank higher in search results for relevant keywords.

We hope that this article has given you some ideas for link building strategies. As we mentioned earlier, there are many different ways to approach this process, and it’s important not only for SEO but also for the success of your business. If you need help with any part of it–from finding good sites to guest blogging opportunities–we would love to help! Please contact us at [email protected]